The Detox Power Facial is a customised 60 minute facial treatment that utilises deep pore ultrasonic cleansing, extractions, high frequency, Seraphina’s signature Clarify Detoxifying Clay treatment, and a customised jelly mask. This treatment is a perfect power facial to enhance clarity in your skin. The facial will begin with a deep pore double cleanse, and ends with bacteria and acne fighting finishing products to leave your skin balanced, refreshed, and glowing.

Ultrasonic cleansing works by ultrasonic soundwaves to loosen up dead skin cell build up and debris. High Frequency kills bacteria & virus, stimulates circulation, and dramatically speeds healing time for acne and blemishes. These 2 modalities together are an amazing combination, with no down time, and are both incredible for acneic skin. The Seraphina Clarify Detoxifying Clay features Kaolin and Bentonite clays which draws out dirt, oil and other impurities which diminish a balanced appearance. Infused with a powerful botanical complex, beneficial for skin types which are breakout-prone, this active aids in the equilibrium of skin hydration. Niacinamide and Caffeine promote brightening while the skin awakening extracts of Gotu Kola, Clove and Horsetail stimulate circulation, invigorating congested complexions.

This specialised tween & teen facial also includes complimentary skincare coaching along with a personalised skincare routine. Learning proper skincare for optimum skin health is a life skill that can help you care for, nourish, and protect your skin at every stage of life.

Common skin concerns that can be targeted in our Detox Power Facials are:

  • oiliness and enlarged pores

  • pore congestion, blackheads, & whiteheads

  • skin clarity & acne

  • brightness, tone, & texture

What should I expect?

A clarity power facial experience that leaves your skin exfoliated, pores clean, and look refreshed and glowing.

Who should not have a Detox Power Facial?

High frequency is not recommended in pregnancy, if you have had a recent light or laser treatment, chemical peel, facial waxing, recent facial steroid injection, recent microdermabrasion, recent surgical procedure or skin infection, recent sun burn or recent changes in moles or growths in the treatment area. If you have an active or unstable medical condition such as epilepsy, cancer, autoimmune disease or diabetes then treatment should be deferred. If you have a history of cold sores, an anti-viral medication may be prescribed by the physician at your consult. Recent AHA, BHA, Retin-A or retinoid use may make your skin more sensitive and red. Additional contraindications for light therapy include m photo-allergy, and medications that cause light sensitivity (such as Tetracycline). Also, if you are currently taking steroids or cortisone injections, you should not receive light therapy.

Is there any down time from this treatment?

There is no downtime. You can make plans for right after your treatment.

Prior to the treatment you should:

• have had a skin consultation

• ensure that you have reviewed this Information and that you have had enough opportunity to ask questions and have them answered to your complete satisfaction

• ensure that you have signed the consent form

• start prophylactic anti-viral therapy if you have a history of cold sores

• avoid strong topical creams (Retin-A, AHAs, etc.) for at least 2 days before and after treatment

• notify at consultation or at your treatment if you have an upcoming important event

The day of treatment you will/may/should:

• notice that your skin will appear well healthy, hydrated, and glowing immediately after the treatment

• avoid direct sun immediately after treatment until you can apply sunscreen

• delay reintroducing stronger topical retinoid serums/creams for at least 48hrs after your treatment

• drink extra water