Tattoos used to be considered permanent, but thanks to advances in laser technology, today’s lasers can get rid of tattoos more safely and effectively, including removing tattoo ink with fewer treatments and treating ink colors that were once difficult to remove. That said, t

here are still many misconceptions about tattoo removal and there is a lot of misinformation on the market, promising full removal in 3 treatments etc. The truth is, tattoo removal is a long process with clinical studies showing an average of 10 treatments are needed for full removal. Some colours are more difficult to remove than others and some tattoos may not ever be 100% removed.

When contemplating tattoo removal it is important to have a realistic understanding of the procedure. Many people think the tattoo ink just fades away after exposure to the laser, but that isn’t the case. When the laser is fired at the skin, targeting the ink, the laser's energy, or light, is absorbed by the targeted ink. This beam of light creates an acoustic wave and instantly shatters the ink particles. It is this shattered ink that the body can then process, and through your lymphatic system, flush away, fading the tattoo from visibility. The process of your lymph system doing its job is key to the success of tattoo removal, but many other things can influence the success of tattoo removal. The depth of the ink, the age of the tattoo, the quality of the tattoo work, your general health, and your commitment to the removal process.

As with all advanced treatments, pre care, post care, and SPF are recommended. Please reach out with questions or for a consult!

What should I expect?

The laser tattoo removal itself may be uncomfortable, but pain is also a normal response during recovery. The targeted areas will feel tender and sensitive to touch due to swelling and blistering thereafter. Once these side effects subside over the next few days, so does the pain.

Can we use numbing cream?

Yes, we can. I suggest you apply apply 30-60 minutes before your appointment and occlude with cling wrap.

Does it hurt?

Most people do find it hurts more than getting the initial tattoo. Some clients have said it is a 6 or 7 out 10 on the pain scale.

How long does a treatment take?

It depends on the size of the tattoo.

What will my skin look like after laser?

Your skin will look white and frosted, and swollen. You may also have pinpoint bleeding.

How often should it be done?

Tattoo removal should be done every 45-60 days.

What is the aftercare like?

Your home care is extremely important for the healing process to ensure you heal without complication, and that you maximize the benefits of your treatment! You will be provided with home care instructions and specific products to use during the first few days of healing. The treated area may also feel very tender to the touch. This will fade for few days, once blistering, crusting or scabs have resolved, the area of skin over the tattoo will look shiny for a number of weeks. It's vital that the skin is well looked after immediately after the treatment.

Are there any restrictions on who can be treated?

Not suitable for patients who are pregnant, nursing, or have been on Accutane within the last 6 months.

Prior to the treatment, you should:

• have had a skin consultation

• ensure that you have reviewed this information and that you have had enough opportunity to ask questions and have them answered to your complete satisfaction

• ensure that you have signed the consent form

• start prophylactic antiviral therapy if you have a history of cold sores

• avoid strong topical creams (Retin-A, AHAs, etc.) for at least 2 days before and after treatment

• notify me at your consultation or at your treatment if you have an upcoming important event

On the day of treatment you will/may/should:

• arrive clean with lose fitting clothing in the treatment area

• avoid direct sun immediately after treatment until you can apply sunscreen

• delay wetting the area for 72 hours

• ice the area, keep clean and dry