Lift and Firm Radiofrequency power facial

The Radiofrequency Power Facial is a customised 45 minute facial treatment that utilises Radiofrequency. Radiofrequency as facials go, doesn’t exactly sound the most thrilling, but radiofrequency treatments are excellent where tightening and firming skin is concerned. Like laser and LED therapy, radiofrequency uses energy to stimulate collagen and elastin production, but the heat energy is electrical rather than light based.

Radiofrequency (RF) therapy, also called radiofrequency skin tightening, is a nonsurgical method of tightening your skin. The procedure involves using energy waves to heat the deep layer of your skin known as your dermis. This heat stimulates the production of collagen. Collagen is the most common protein in your body. It creates the framework of your skin and gives your skin its firmness. As you age, your cells produce less collagen, which leads to loss of firmness and wrinkles. Skin laxity begins around age 35 to 40 when the quantity and quality of your collagen begins to decline. RF therapy has been used safely and successfully since 2001, to fight against sagging skin and signs of aging. 

Common skin concerns that can be targeted in our RF Facials are:

  • age related concerns like lines, wrinkles, firmness, & elasticity

All energy based bio-stimulative treatments naturally require a course of several sessions (from six to 12) and will induce benefits gradually over some months. Look at it like joining a skin gym - great results are rarely achieved in a single session.

What should I expect?

Your average radiofrequency treatment takes anywhere between 20 and 45 minutes. During the treatment a machine will heat skin to a bearable 38-40 degrees. Usually zero discomfort is reported, although some people are more sensitive to the deep heat sensation than others.

Who should not have Radiofrequency?

Radiofrequency is not recommended in pregnancy, if you have had a recent light or laser treatment, chemical peel, facial waxing, recent facial steroid injection, recent microdermabrasion, recent surgical procedure or skin infection, recent sun burn or recent changes in moles or growths in the treatment area. If you have an active or unstable medical condition such as epilepsy, cancer, autoimmune disease or diabetes then treatment should be deferred. If you have a history of cold sores, an anti-viral medication may be prescribed by the physician at your consult. Recent AHA, BHA, Retin-A or retinoid use may make your skin more sensitive and red. Clients with rosacea are also advised to avoid radiofrequency, or any other treatments that involve heat.

Is there any down time from this treatment?

There’s very little to no downtime - you may experience a bit of redness for up to 24 hours afterwards.

Prior to the treatment you should:

• have had a skin consultation

• ensure that you have reviewed this Information and that you have had enough opportunity to ask questions and have them answered to your complete satisfaction

• ensure that you have signed the consent form

• start prophylactic anti-viral therapy if you have a history of cold sores

• avoid strong topical creams (Retin-A, AHAs, etc.) for at least 2 days before and after treatment

• notify at consultation or at your treatment if you have an upcoming important event

The day of treatment you will/may/should:

• notice that your skin will appear well healthy, hydrated, and glowing immediately after the treatment

• avoid direct sun immediately after treatment until you can apply sunscreen

• delay reintroducing stronger topical retinoid serums/creams for at least 48hrs after your treatment

• drink extra water