Feather Laser Facial, Laser therapy, laser treatment

The Feather Laser Facial is basically a light skin resurfacing. This is a fractionated laser, meaning the beam is broken up or divided. This means that less skin is being treated with each pulse, creating less heat and damage, and allowing for decreased healing time. This is painless or just a light sensation, numbing is not required.

It does a few things to improve your skin. First, lasers create heat, and when we create heat, we create collagen. When we create more of the proteins that lift and plump and hold our skin together, we fill lines and wrinkles and improve elasticity. Second, laser light finds melanin. So when we want to target sun damage, freckles, and pigmentation, laser is a great choice. Advancements in lasers have also made this safer than ever for all skin colours. With very fast and short pulses of light we will be able to target the darker melanin in your skin that you don’t love.

This treatment is great for those currently doing chemical peels or microneedling, and can be done along side those other modalities. Homecare to prevent excess melanin is strongly recommended and SPF daily is a must. Treatment times vary, but usually 3-6 treatments is needed for desired results. Healing time will vary but there is no dramatic downtime.

Benefits of Feather Laser Facials include:

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

  • Tightens dilated pores

  • Reduces acne, scars and post-acne discoloration

  • Removes dead skin cells from the superficial epidermal layer

  • Stimulates collagen growth

  • Improves skin texture

    As with all advanced treatments, pre care, post care, and SPF are recommended. Please reach out with questions or for a consult!

What exactly is a feather laser facial?

It is a treatment that uses a fractionated laser to gently resurface the skin.

What should I expect?

This is a painless treatment but some may experience short term redness.

What are the benefits of laser facials?

Laser facials stimulate collagen, decrease and tighten pores, treat acne scars, lighten discoloration in the skin, heals/treat acne scarring, result in improvement of post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation, and melasma, improve stretch marks, diminish wrinkles, improve skin texture, and firm and tighten skin.

What does it treat?

Acne, fine lines, laxity, pore size, skin texture, dullness of skin, stretch marks, pigment, and overall skin rejuvenation.

How is it done?

The laser is moved over your skin resulting in the laser beam targeting skin concerns and creating collagen.

Does it hurt?

It is generally not painful.

How long does a treatment take?

Approximately 30 minutes.

What will my skin look like after a laser facial?

Your skin will look pink at worst.

How often should it be done?

A series of 3-6 sessions spaced approximately 4-6 weeks apart is recommended for optimal results. After your skin goals have been reached, it can be done for maintenance when needed (approx. every 3-6 months).

What is the aftercare like?

Your home care is extremely important for the healing process to ensure you heal without complication, and that you maximize the benefits of your treatment! You will be provided with home care instructions and specific products to use during the first few days of healing.

Are there any restrictions on who can be treated?

Not suitable for patients who are pregnant, nursing, or have been on Accutane within the last 6 months.

Prior to the treatment, you should:

• have had a skin consultation

• ensure that you have reviewed this information and that you have had enough opportunity to ask questions and have them answered to your complete satisfaction

• ensure that you have signed the consent form

• start prophylactic antiviral therapy if you have a history of cold sores

• avoid strong topical creams (Retin-A, AHAs, etc.) for at least 2 days before and after treatment

• notify me at your consultation or at your treatment if you have an upcoming important event

On the day of treatment you will/may/should:

• notice that your skin will appear well hydrated and moist immediately after the treatment

• not apply anything to your skin until this moisture is absorbed

• avoid direct sun immediately after treatment until you can apply sunscreen

• delay reintroducing stronger topical retinoid serums/creams for at least 48hrs after your treatment

• drink extra water